Since 1998, the Palm Beach Rotary Foundation has awarded more than $420,000 in scholarships, on average about $30,000 a year, to local students with outstanding academic records, a track record of community service, from families where there is financial need.
The Club also sponsors international educational programs, like Rotary's Ambassadorial Program, a graduate degree scholarship of the Rotary Foundation larger than the Fulbright Scholarship program, although less well known; Rotary's Youth Exchange which brings qualified high school students to the area for a one year study program; and Group Study Exchange, an international vocational development program.
The club participates in continuous local community service projects, filling its Box of Hope each month with items to support those in need.
The Palm Beach Rotary Foundation is a 501(c)(3) entity and all donations are tax deductible.


We received this letter below from one of our scholarship students who graduated. Each year the Palm Beach Rotary Foundation awards scholarships to local deserving college students and potentially throughout their four years of college/ university undergraduate education.
Dear Rotary Club of Palm Beach:
I first off want to say thank you, thank you for the time you guys have invested in me.
The journey as a college student has not been easy but had it not been for you guys, and your generous contribution towards my education for the past four years I’m not sure where I would be.
On April 30, 2016, at 9 am I received my Bachelor of Science in Nursing.
The last time I spoke with you guys at the luncheon I dreamed of being a nurse and then going to law school. Since then, that dream has changed, nursing has my heart I have a passion for what I do, and I love helping people as much as I can. My dream has now shifted. I plan on attending medical school in Fall 2017 in pursuit of becoming a Cardiothoracic Surgeon. Also, I recently was informed that I got my dream job at Emory University Hospital as nurse on the cardiovascular surgical floor which is pretty exciting to say the least.
Upon entering the journey of nursing school my class started with 52 individuals and on April 30 only 27 of us graduated with our nursing degrees, the program was rigorous to say the least but I’m grateful. Through this scholarship I received the financial burden that comes with being a college student was relieved. I’m actually crying as I write this letter to you guys today because I’m so grateful and I’m so blessed.
The Rotary Club gave me the opportunity to become the best nurse and future doctor that America has ever seen. Watch out world here I come!
Thank you,
Jasmyne Williams